Accreditation & Recognition

Accreditation & Recognition

The National Independent Halaal Trust (NIHT) is an Internationally recognised Halaal certification body with accreditation and recognition from the following:

Emirates International Accreditation Centre – EIAC

Department of Islamic Development Malaysia – JAKIM

United Arab Emirates Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology – MOIAT

Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura – MUIS

Ministry of Public Health Qatar – MOPH

Saudi Food & Drug Authority – SFDA

Saudi Standards, Metrology & Quality Organisation - SASO

We are a member of the World Halaal Food Council

The National Independent Halaal Trust (NIHT) complies and implements the required standards according to:

  1. SNI99004:2021
  2. GSO2055-2:2021
  3. S993:2022
  4. GSO993
  5. MS1500:2019