World Halaal Council Meeting in China

Author: NIHT Media

The National Independent Halaal Trust (NIHT) attended the World Halaal Council meeting in Qingdao, Shandong Province, China. The proceedings officially began on the 9th of November 2009 with a programme attended by Chinese government officials.

Hafez Moorad Booley of the NIHT recited the opening Qiraat and the chairman of the Shandong Islamic Association did the welcome. Shandong province has a Muslim population of 600 000 and stressed that the province is rich in resources.

The Vice-Governor of the province, the Honourable Wong Sung then addressed the gathering and in his talk emphasised the importance attributed to Halaal certification that has become a world standard of hygiene and quality.

Brother Abdur Rahman Linzag, the secretary-general thanked the Shandong Islamic Association for professionally hosting the World Halaal Council AGM. He also thanked the more than seventy participants from thirty-seven different countries. He stressed the importance of unity and maintenance of Halaal standards since Halaal has become an international brand.

The second day of the meeting saw deliberations on a paper delivered by Dr Al-Absy from the United States of America. He dealt with issues that were pertinent to the Halaal certification of ingredients used in the manufacture of processed foods.

The election of the President of the WHC and executive members as well as members of the different committee’s of the organization also took place on the 10th of November 2009. The National Independent Halaal Trust was truly humbled and excited at the prospect of being elected to the executive of the World Halaal Council.

It is indeed a mark of confidence when your fellow peers from Halaal certifying organisations world-wide have confidence and vote for you to represent them on the World Halaal Council executive committee. It also augurs well and is partly a recognition that the standards of Halaal certification displayed by the National Independent Halaal Trust is world class and is recognised as such. Hafez Moorad Booley was re-elected to the executive committee while Moulana Abdul Wahab Wookay was elected to the Shariah committee, a committee that guides the organization in terms of Islamic requirements for certification.

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